The Worldwide Meeting on Human Values is an organization created and empowered by the Council of Human Values and Culture of Lawfulness from the State of Nuevo León since 2009. The main purpose of this event is to create a space for dialogue and afterthought in this emerging stage of humanity now living a transition to the awakening of consciousness, with the main goal of creating partnerships, share ideas and experiences of major social agents, present new models that will allow us to work in unity and solidarity for human development and peace. Over 6,000 attended the conference in Monterrey, and an additional 80,000 viewers watched the live video stream.
Andrew Himes, founding executive director of the Charter for Compassion International, delivered a keynote address on the Compassionate Communities movement.
Love in Action: Awakening to a New Humanity was the title of the sixth edition of the most important human values event organized by the Council of Human Values of the State of Nuevo León and in Monterrey, Mexico on 23-25 of October 2014, during the Oneness Day Celebration.
The conference description said: "Love in action is a call of our Creator to experience unconditional love, not just as a feeling, but as a lifestyle, is this vibration that forms new brain connections allowing our being to manifest in the “now” with solidarity and compassion.
"Every year the organizers have invited Nobel Prize winners and the most advanced minds in subjects like economics, health, science, sustainability and spirituality as well as people working on social projects with the goal of having a positive impact, not only in their communities but all over the world, people who are guiding humanity to a new level of consciousness.
"2014 saw the participation of valuable leaders and role models who inspired and motivated, speaking on topics such as Women Peace Movements, The Slow Movement, The Mind Up Project, Indigenous Women Empowerment, Transcending Attitudes for Life, Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs, the AWE Education Project, The Inner Strength, Awakening to the Possible Human & the Possible World, Water for Everyone, Compassionate Cities, and others."
The attendees connected live with people on five continents to celebrate Oneness International Day and participated in a collaborative exercise to co-create Nuevo Leon State by 2030 as a state of compassion.