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Women in War, Women in Peace

Women as Peacemakers

Peacemakers: Thirteen Grandmothers Council by Minouche, Ithaca, 2008

by Minouche

"I feel blessed to do this painting and words cannot translate accurately what it is for me. "
"This painting is in honor and gratitude to who they are and to their work."

Minouche's inspiration for PEACEMAKERS came from her heart and a profound sense of spiritual guidance. It was a wonderful journey of artistic and personal transformation as she watched her paintbrush touch canvas and bring each grandmother's special qualities to life. Minouche speaks of the day in 2008 when "PEACEMAKERS" was unveiled in the presence of eight of the Grandmothers in Ithaca, New York:

AND came the time when in their presence ...
I stand before them for the first time at a women's gathering of about 350. Jyoti ,the spiritual guide who had the vision to gather the 13 Grandmothers, helping me to unroll the painting, a 9 feet by 5 feet canvas...
Just right now ,writing this to you , I feel moved...
I feel this incredible wave of Joy coming to me from the Grandmothers as well from the crowd.
Grandmother Flordemayo jumped out of her chair to hug me in joy for so long,
My body shaking in tears.
Then Grand mother Rita Blumenstein crying and laughing as the same time, taking my tears to put on hers .
Grandmothers Tsering, Agnes, Margaret, Mona, Beatrice and Rita Long-Visitor, each and all deeply moved and happy.
And when we turned around to show the painting to the women , the same energy of love ...

Minouche will make copies of "PEACEMAKERS" available for purchase. All proceeds support the Grandmothers' work. Visit to learn more.