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Models + Organizations

Puget Sound Community School

Seattle, WA, USA
At PSCS, our first focus is not limited to an academic program; our focus is on the full range of human development.

Celebrating it's 20th year, Puget Sound Community School was founded in 1994 on the principle that learning is best fostered by self-motivation, self-regulation, and self-reflection. At PSCS, we believe the best way for young people to develop 21st century skills is to be immersed in a collaborative educational community that respects and honors their individuality, challenges them to step outside their comfort zones, and encourages them to pursue those things that bring them joy. So honored, our students discover and learn to use their natural gifts. They develop a deep sense of self by creating meaningful expressions of their passions in the world. This humanistic approach allows students to experience personal success and fulfillment now, and in the future as capable, engaged adults.

At PSCS, our focus is not limited to an academic program; it's on the full range of human development. Our product is a safe, loving, nurturing environment in which the curriculum is responsibility and the goal for our graduates is maturity. We surround students with talented people of high character who help them find out what they’re passionate about, and then help them DO something with that passion. We ask students to dedicate themselves to three simple core commitments: Practice Integrity. Engage the Community. Act with Courage.



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