The Global Compassion Council is the advisory body for the Charter for Compassion. Recruited from around the world, the Council is a confluence of leaders of the movement in the realms of government, business, education, philanthropy, religion & spirituality, health care, the environment, peace, and social justice. The Chair of the Council is Laura Burgis. The governing Board of Directors is drawn from the members of the Council. The Board consists of the following members:
Laura Burgis, Chair;
Babalwa Ngcongolo, Vice Chair;
Gard Jameson, Secretary/Treasurer, philanthropy and Fundraising Committee;
Anum Mulla, Global Youth Strategist;
Marilyn Turkovich, Executive Director.
and the following members: Starita Boyce Ansari, Cristina Gonzalez, Amin Hashwani, Moses Machipisa, Anum Mulla, Jamal Rahman, Lynne Reeder, Arun Wakhlu, Will Rucker, Skylar Pittman, Riemer Brandsma, César Zamora and Lauren Sunshine. Ole Kjörrefjord is an advisor to the Board.
Karen Armstrong, Joan Brown Campbell and Yaffa Maritz are ex-officio members of the Board.
Board of Trustees - Executive Committee
Global Compassion Council