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Event Calendar

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

You’ll always know what’s going on with the Charter for Compassion. If you see an event, community chat or Global Read in which you want to participate and know you can't make it at the time offered, go ahead and register anyway. The majority of our events are recorded so you can view them later.  If you are registered you'll be notified when the recording has been processed.

Just bookmark this page and check back often for the latest programs and events.

Beneath the calendar you will find buttons that show series of offerings that you may find of interest.

Ongoing Events

July Events


 Empathic Dialogue Cafes                                                    
 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT (5:00 PM - 6:00 PM UK time)


    Wicked Issues: Adaptive Action for Compassionate Communities
9:00 - 11:00 AM PST (Session 4) 

3, 10

Peace On Earth 2030                                                                                      
12:00 - 2:00 PM ET



    EdNet: Advocating for Justice-Involved Youth: Disrupting the
    School to Prison Pipeline

    7:30 - 9:00 AM PT



 Artistic Bridges: Connecting Young People Locally and Globally
 8:00 - 9:00 AM PT

  24, 31

 The Magical Ability of Music to Inspire Action                               
 July 24, 31 @ 8:00 AM PST
*This program will not be held in August but will resume in September*



The Spirit of Ubuntu Film and Concert                                                  
7:30 - 9:30 PM CDT
LIVE @ Unity Village, MO, USA



Charter Sangha - Compassion Circle                                                  
9:00 AM Pacific Time
Live from The Sangha House in Taunton, UK



The Spirit Of Ubuntu Screening                                                  
4:30 - 7:00 PM
Live @ SIFF Seattle International Film Festival, Seattle, WA, USA



The Spirit Of Ubuntu Screening
6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Live @ Donna M. Morris Theater at Field Hall, Port Angeles, WA, USA



Global Read: Why Peace And Prayers Are Not Enough
9:00 AM PDT



The Spirit Of Ubuntu Screening
6:45 - 9:00 PM
Live @ the Lynwood Theater, Bainbridge Island, WA, USA


August Events


          The Spirit Of Ubuntu Screening    
          6:00 - 9:00 PM
          Live @ Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada


          Global Read For Kids + Co: Choosing Love, A Pathway
          To Flourishing

          9:00 AM PDT


          The Spirit Of Ubuntu Screening    
          6:00 - 8:00 PM
          Live @ Imagine Cinemas Market Square, Toronto, ON, Canada


     The Spirit Of Ubuntu Screening    
     7:00 - 9:00 PM
     Live @ QUAD Cinema, New York, NY, USA


         Global Read: Nurturing Healing Love                                                
         9:00 AM PDT



EdNet: The Act of Peacebuilding                                                       
7:30 - 9:00 AM PT


          Charter Sangha - Compassion Circle                                                           
          9:00 AM PT


September Events


        EdNet: Advocating for Justice-Involved Youth: Disrupting the
        School to Prison Pipeline
7:30 - 9:00 AM Pacific Time                                                  


  Global Read: Healing the Heart of Democracy
9:00 AM PT                                                                      


        Charter Sangha - Compassion Circle                                                         
        9:00 AM PT


October Events


             EdNet: The Power of Films to Teach Global Citizenship +
             Media Literacy

             7:30 - 9:00 AM PT                                                                                              



     Global Youth Conference: Youth for Compassionate
     Advocacy & Actions

     Virtual event                                                                                                        


              Charter Sangha - Compassion Circle                                            
             9:00 AM PT


November Events


          EdNet: Learning from Cultural Renewal
          7:30 - 9:00 AM PT                                                                                                      


        Charter Sangha - Compassion Circle                                                       
        9:00 AM PT





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