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Global Read

News + Events

Global Read

Global Read 2025!

You're here because, like most of us, you like to read a good book. The Global Read aims to make it easy to do just that. We've selected books that bring awareness to the theme of compassion and relate to one or more of the Charter's twelve sectors. You will have the opportunity to hear directly from the book's author in a live webinar format. Better yet, you're given the chance to interact with the author and ask questions and/ or comment on their book.

Please tell your friends about us - and form your own small group for dialogue. Then be sure to register and join us for our live event.

We will select several books each year. Members can read these books individually, host book clubs, form discussion groups, etc. in our various and wide-spread places of residence. We will allocate several weeks for the reading of each book and then have the authors of the book lead an on-line discussion of their work as well as address questions generated by the audience. To participate in these conversations, you'll need to register for the conference call. The link will be sent to you once you sign up to participate. If you cannot join the author and guests live, please send your questions in advance to this email address. The recording will be available on the Charter website for viewing later.

We are excited to be continuing this compassionate literary venture, and we look forward to your participation! Tell your friends. Bring them along for the discussion. Let’s read!



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