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Who Has Signed the Charter?

Notable Signers of the Charter for Compassion

"How many people have signed the Charter?", we hesitate and say, well over 2 million, realizing that even this is an estimate. Knowing how many people have signed the Charter is a difficult task to gauge. We know how many have come to our website to sign it: about 190,000 currently. Of course, that number grows daily. We did not have a recording feature in place to number all those signatures in the early days of the Charter. For example, to capture the more than 160,000 people who contributed their ideas to what should be in the Charter. We know that Dublin had a signature campaign early on, and that Pakistan and Australia are running campaigns to collect one million signatures each. We also know that churches, synagogues and mosques and various organizations from the West Bank to the United Kingdom have been collecting signatures. So when the question is asked, we can only estimate. We urge you, if you are involved in a campaign to promote the Charter, please have people enter their names on our website, or if you can't at the time, send us the names and e-mail addresses and we'll see that they get in our listing. 

Here follows the names of people, many well known to you, who have agreed to lend their name as having affirmed the Charter.



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