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Historic Moments for the Charter

April 11-15, 2008

Seeds of Compassion Gathering in Seattle, USA

Seeds of Compassion was an unprecedented gathering to engage the hearts and minds of our community by highlighting the vision, science, and programs of early social, emotional, and cognitive learning. Anchored by the deep wisdom of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, this community–focused event celebrated and explored the relationships, programs and tools that nurture and empower children, families and communities to be compassionate members of society. Each of the five days provided parents, educators, business and community leaders with an opportunity to better understand the real benefits of compassion, and concrete steps on how to bring compassion into their lives.


September 1, 2008

Partners Sign on for Charter Initiative

The Charter began building a partnership of individuals and organizations around the world working to bring compassion to life. Over the first few years, the number of Partner organizations globally grew slowly, and then began to explode in 2013. By the summer of 2014, over 400 organizations have signed on as Partners for the Charter.


November 12, 2008

Charter Website Launched

The Charter for Compassion website launched and people of all faiths, all nations and all backgrounds were invited to submit their own words to the Charter. The Charter for Compassion is a product of its time, for its time. Using a unique web-based decision-making platform, thousands of people from more than 100 countries added their voice to the writing of the Charter. Over a six-week period, thousands of submissions were entered which were then read and commented upon by over 150,000 visitors. These contributions were then reviewed by the Council of Conscience and incorporated into the final document.


February 24, 2009

Council of Conscience Meets to Craft Charter

The Council of Conscience meet in Vevey, Switzerland, to take the words of the world and craft the Charter for Compassion. The Council, a multi-faith, multi-national group of religious thinkers and leaders, reviewed and sorted through contributions from across the globe to craft the final Charter. They continue to be vigorous supporters and advocates for the Charter and its message.



"Compassion is not hereditable. It can and therefore must be taught. The teaching of compassion, the exercise of the soul, will open the heart. And then nothing will be impossible." 

~ Rabbi Awraham Soetendorp


"Compassion is a organizing principle [for] business leaders, government leaders, arts and culture, humanitarians – you need a working principle, especially when the world is colliding into each other every day"

 ~ Salman Ahmad


"In a world where force is too often the response to differences of opinion, culture and ideas of the divine, compassion is its one universal antidote. This Charter gives spiritual voices the opportunity to unite in this most authentic cry for peace." 

~ Sister Joan Chittister


May 4th, 2009

Compassionate Action Network Founded

Compassionate Action Network (CAN) was inspired by the Seeds of Compassion and then launched in Seattle to be a "network of networks." The organization proclaimed its desire to unite "people across our community—parents, children, youth, teachers, clergy, activists, politicians, philanthropists and leaders at all levels and in every sphere—to create a more compassionate world."

CAN's intention, expressed in its founding document, was to create "an association of like-minded programs, projects and organizations that collectively represent the power of thousands of relationships." CAN went on to be the home for the Charter for Compassion from the summer of 2012 through December of 2013, and provided a wealth of startup assistance to the Charter, including staff, fundraising, resource development, and strategic planning.


November 12, 2009

Charter Formally Launched



More than 75 events took place around the globe to launch the Charter for Compassion on November 12.  Charter for Compassion partners — groups and individuals around the world who are deeply committed to the Charter’s ideals — work tirelessly in the name compassion and interfaith dialogue, bringing the Charter to life in their communities. The Charter team promotes their important work.


April 24, 2010

Cities Campaign Initiated by Compassionate Action Network

The City of Seattle became the first city to formally sign the Charter for Compassion, thus launching an international campaign for communities around the world to endorse the Charter. Cities joining the movement pledged to work consciously to bring the principles and practice of compassion to life in cities everywhere. CAN's Jon Ramer was initiator of the campaign.



Charter for Compassion Recognized in Australian Parliament

The ceremony was the first time that the Charter had been recognised in a Parliament anywhere in the world and included representatives from the Government and Opposition, Indigenous community, diplomats, NGOs, religious and youth leaders. The Canberra Jewish community was represented by Bill Arnold and Rabbi Dan Avital.

The Charter for Compassion is a document and worldwide movement that supports the golden rule “To treat others like you would wish to be treated.” Advocates of the Charter include HH The Dalai Lama and Richard Branson. The Charter is a initiative, inspired by world renowned religious historian, Karen Armstrong and the result of contributions from people from over 100 countries.

Danielle Lauren, the host of the ceremony and Australian Ambassador for the Charter, said “This event was a wonderful opportunity to spread the principle of compassion to our leaders and help make Australia a more compassionate society for all.” Danielle gave a call to action for her campaign to get 100,000 handwritten signatures in Australia to support the Charter.

Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Ursula Stephens, said “For those of us who work in this place, the Charter reminds us that it is not just the legislated laws that shape a nation, but the way in which we behave to each other.” Senator Stephens also read out a letter from the Prime Minister congratulating Danielle on her work with the Charter and promoting compassion in Australia.

Shadow Minister for Ageing, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, addressed the crowd and sent support from the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott.

The ceremony also included a special video message from Karen Armstrong, a Traditional Aboriginal Welcome to Country from Ngunnawal Elder, Agnes Shea and a meditation session with the Venerable Bhante Sujato from the Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils. In picture: Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Danielle Lauren and Senator Ursula Stephens.


July 23-25, 2010

The Festival of World Cultures Hosts an Open Faith Space

Open FAITH SPACE for people and groups to communicate and share their practices and creative expressions about the value of ‘Compassion’.

2010 marked the 10th anniversary for the Festival of World Cultures. In honor of this important and celebratory event, the Festival sought to deepen its ethos of building communities through nurturing respect for diversity. The 2010 Festival theme was faith. The Festival of World Cultures values the accumulated wisdom that communities of all faiths hold. When such wisdom is shared, it may contribute to the global efforts towards respect, peace and unity, and may also support people to participate more fully in contemporary life in Ireland.

The Festival was proud to affirm the Charter for Compassion. The Festival supports activities that can deepen and share compassionate encounters through music, meditation and prayer, storytelling, discussions, dance and project displays.


November 12, 2010

Charter Celebrates First Year

In celebration of the Charter's first year actor, Rainn Wilson and the team create a video history of the movement and its accomplishments. Notable moments include: Seattle becomes the world's first compassionate city as part of an international campaign. Medical student Saalman Sana unveils the Compassion for Care Charter at TEDxMaastrict . Groups in Canada and Holland create and affirm the Children's Charter.


The Charter for Compassion: Read, Affirm, Share


November 16, 2010

Charter for Compassion Celebrated at the United Nations and Unveiled to the World

TEDPrize@UN recognized the one-year anniversary of Karen Armstrong’s Charter for Compassion Thursday, Nov. 18 with a celebratory TED talk at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

This is the first time that a TED event took place at the United Nations. Armstrong, Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell, Dr. Fred Luskin, Krista Tippett, Chade-Meng Tan and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf discussed the intersections between faith, society, politics and where compassion can play a role. TEDPrize@UN also featured a performance from U.N. Goodwill Ambassador Salman Ahmad.


March 22, 2012

Karen Armstrong Reports on State of the Charter in Vancouver BC

“As part of the city-wide 12 Days of Compassion with Karen Armstrong program, Vancouver announces its campaign to become a compassionate city, and Karen Armstrong unveils a new Charter website and international initiative and gives an update on the state of the Charter, including news about vibrant Charter movements in Pakistan, Canada, Jordan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Louisville, KY.”


February, 2013

Pope Benedict XVII Receives Plaque Engraved with the Charter for Compassion

The Charter for Compassion reached Pope Benedict XVII February 8, 2013, just days before the Pope announced to the world that he would be resigning. A plaque engraved with the Charter was presented to the Pope in Vatican City by TED’s European director, Bruno Giussani. The meeting took place on the margins of the weekly General Audience, when Giussani could inform the Catholic Pontiff of the Charter’s origin, development and aims.


June 21-24, 2013

The U.S. Conference of Mayors, 81st Annual Meeting



January, 2014

Founding of the Charter for Compassion Organization & Formation of Global Compassion Council

Almost six years after Karen Armstrong was awarded the TED Prize, the Charter for Compassion has grown into a truly global movement.  Thanks to the efforts of a broad range of people in all walks of life and on every continent, compassion has touched the lives of thousands of people in countries, cities, schools, business and other organizations, and faith communities around the world.  To reflect this growing worldwide presence, a confluence of leaders in the movement -- the Global Compassion Council was formed as an advisory body of international talent to the Board of the Charter.


  • 2014: Charter for Compassion helps launch the International Compassion Games, a global event that encourages communities to engage in acts of compassion, cooperation, and service. The games become an annual event, fostering a sense of global solidarity that continues to this day.
  • 2014: Charter signs an MOU with the Parliament of the World's Religions and initiatives helping to design and sponsor future Parliaments.


2015-2018: Deepening the Impact and Building Partnerships

  • 2015: The Charter’s Compassionate Communities program continues to grow, with over 150 cities and communities formally joining the movement. The program includes various sectors such as healthcare, education, business, and religion, each working to infuse compassion into their practices. The Charter for Compassion seeks to make compassionate action “go viral” in the hearts and minds of communities globally by working with them to address their most pressing needs. We view compassion as a verb, moving beyond empathy to identify problems and act on solutions. 
  • 2015: Charter signs MOUs with United Religions Initiatives and the Peace Alliance. 
  • November 2014, The Charter Tool Box is launched after a 9‐month process engaging 150 of our grass roots community organizers to learn what they needed in order to create viable action plans that would bring about pronounced change in their locales. With the assistance of the University of Kansas’ Community Tool Box team, a 15-step procedural guideline, and 18‐point assessment instrument, and the Charter Community Tool Box were created to help communities develop their multi-year action plans. The tools and assessment are being introduced systematically to all our compassionate initiatives.
  • 2015: The Charter receives the Ahimsa Award for promoting the principles of nonviolence and the “Champion of Compassion" Award from the Sikh Dharma International.
  • 2016: The Charter for Compassion partners with the United Religions Initiative to launch "Golden Rule Day," a day dedicated to promoting the Golden Rule as a universal principle that underpins compassion across cultures and religions.
  • 2017: The Charter for Compassion begins focusing on issues such as climate change and environmental justice, recognizing the role of compassion in addressing global challenges. The Compassion Tree project begins to help support environmental efforts in Uganda. The Charter’s network continues to expand, reaching over 1000 Partner organizations.


2019-2021: Strengthening Global Networks and Responding to Global Crises

  • 2019: The Charter for Compassion celebrates its 10th anniversary, reflecting on a decade of growth, impact, and community-building. The Compassionate Cities network now includes over 450 cities, each actively working to integrate compassion into their civic life.
  • 2020: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Charter for Compassion launches a series of virtual events and resources aimed at supporting individuals and communities during the crisis. The organization emphasizes the importance of compassion in navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic.
  • 2021: The Charter’s Compassionate Communities program continues to expand, with new initiatives focused on mental health, racial justice, and economic inequality. The organization also launches the "Compassionate Integrity Training" program, providing tools for individuals and organizations to practice compassion in daily life.


2022-Present: Continued Growth and Innovation

  • 2022: The City of Cape Town, South Africa reaffirms the Charter for Compassion.
  • 2022: The Charter for Compassion strengthens its focus on youth engagement, launching the Global Youth Conference, which brings together young leaders from around the world to discuss and promote compassion-driven initiatives. The organization also continues to expand its Compassionate Schools Network.
  • 2022: The Charter launches the Map of Co-creators, a map for people to become visible to one another, network with organizations, and create and support each others’ projects.
  • 2022: The Charter begins a global community book, The Grassroots Wisdom Book, to share good works, deeds and actions that can be shared and duplicated.
  • 2022: The Charter for Compassion is awarded The Guru Nanak Interfaith Prize by the Sardarni Kuljit Kaur Bindra Foundation.
  • July 2023: Compassionate USA: A guided learning journey designed to promote the health and healing benefits of practicing the transformative, age-old tenets of compassion is launched in collaboration with Compassionate San Antonio, (TX) and Alamo College (TX).
  • 2023: The Charter for Compassion introduces new programming focused on environmental stewardship and climate action, recognizing the interconnectedness of compassion and the environment. The organization also continues its work with interfaith communities, promoting the Golden Rule as a guiding principle for peace and understanding.
  • 2024 - 2030: The Charter collaborates with Peace on Earth by 2030 bringing together groups from compassionate communities to work with partners to create geographic peace zones. The first pilot will extend from San Antonio, (TX) across the US border to Monterrey, Mexico. 
  • 2024: Intended for young people, ages 4-18, The Artistic Bridges project begins to provide a platform where art, be it songs, spoken word, film, dance, or any other artistic format, becomes a powerful medium to express young dreams, hopes, and perspectives.
  • September 2024: The Charter for Compassion is set to present the Karen Armstrong Humanitarian Awards in conjunction with the XIX gathering of Nobel Peace Laureates, further solidifying its role as a leader in the global compassion movement. The award recipients include Peace Jam, Seeds of Peace, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, and Kailash Satyarthi.
  • 2024 - 2025: The Charter for Compassion helps launch a new global movement of Ubuntu, “I am because you are,” speaking to the profound interconnectedness of all people and igniting an educational movement of action beckoning all people to rediscover our shared humanity. 




Over the years, the Charter for Compassion has grown from an idea into a global movement with close to 600 compassionate community initiatives and 3000 global partners, It has inspired countless individuals and communities to embrace compassion as a guiding principle. Its accomplishments reflect a deep commitment to fostering a more just, peaceful, and compassionate world, making it a true leader in the global effort to promote human fraternity and solidarity.

These highlights demonstrate the Charter for Compassion’s sustained impact and its continued relevance in addressing the most pressing issues of our time.



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