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EdNet Forum

Photo by Nikhita S. on Unsplash



Give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.

~ Maimonides


How often have you heard this quote? It is so clear, so real. Maimonides lived over eight hundred years ago, and still, we revert to the relevancy of his message. The big question is "what" has changed in teaching, learning, and educational delivery? The answer is obvious, eight hundred years of living and evolutionary progress. 

The Education Network Forum (EdNet Forum) is the Charter for Compassion's way to experience new philosophies, pedagogies, and methodologies of education as they are in practice today. It is also an opportunity to explore the neuroscience of the brain and its relationship to education. At the same time, it is our way of opening the door to seeing how social-emotional learning, the acquisition of spiritual growth, compassion, and kindness can be modeled and taught as a skill.

Our intention in offering the Forum is to cover relevant topics from conception of a child to parenting and exploring the continual timeline of learning to the end of life.



The EdNet Forum is offered once a month, on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30-9:00 AM Pacific Time. Click on the boxes to register for upcoming EdNet Forums: 

Note: We are still confirming 2025 EdNets, so some registrations are not open and dates might change, check back soon!



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