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Chandra Muzaffar

Chandra Muzaffar

Chandra Muzaffar, an internationally known advocate for human rights, is a Malaysian who for many years taught at universities in his country, while remaining active in NGO work. A political scientist, his last academic position was professor and director, the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya.

In addition to his writings on civilizational dialogue, he has also published extensively on religion, human rights, Malaysian politics, and international relations. He has authored or edited 18 books and written more than 500 articles in English and Malay in various local and international journals. His most recent book, published in 2003, is Muslims, Dialogue, Terror.

In 1977 Chandra Muzaffar founded a multiethnic social reform group called Aliran Kesedaran Negara (ALIRAN; National Consciousness Movement), which sought to raise public awareness of issues pertaining to democracy and ethnic relations in Malaysia. Today, he is the president of an international NGO, the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), which is concerned with challenges to social justice and human dignity in global politics. JUST also attempts to develop guiding ideas on a just and compassionate civilization based upon shared universal spiritual and moral values. He also sits on the boards of a number of other international NGOs concerned with social justice and civilizational dialogue.

Among the academic awards Chandra Muzaffar has received is the Harry J. Benda Prize for distinguished scholarship on Southeast Asia from the Association of Asian Studies, North America.


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