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Babalwa Ngcongolo

Babalwa Ngcongolo

Babalwa Ngcongolo is a diversity, equity and transformation consultant, a social justice educator, activist and facilitator. Her work focuses on engaging young people on the challenges and opportunities for creating new and future focused solutions for social cohesion, peace and justice.

Ngcongolo has experience working with schools, universities, the civil and private sector to develop and implement strategic processes for dialogue, collaboration and community building on a global, local and institutional level.

Ngcongolo has coordinated youth leadership programs, developed diversity curricula and facilitated diversity-focused interventions for national and international audiences. Her work aims to instill an intersectional context so as to unearth the interconnectedness of the world's most pressing issues, and the systemic solutions that may emanate from this nuanced lens.

Ngcongolo has been trained and has experience in Design Thinking, Interfaith Collaboration, Peace-building and Inclusive Leadership methodologies. These influence her role in facilitating dialogue that is empathetic, yet challenging of norms that are rooted in discrimination and injustice.

Ngcongolo aspires to codify equity, justice and kindness in to the simplest and most complex interactions across all communities.

She holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree majoring in Economics and Finance from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa.



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