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Arun Wakhlu

Arun Wakhlu

Business owner, Author, Champion of compassion (India)

Arun is the co-originator with Initiatives of Change India of the 30-year young movement Education Today Society Tomorrow (ETST). ETST has touched the lives of over 5000 Educators inIndia. In 2019, he organized an online international conference for educators on Creating a Compassionate World;

As the initiator of Poorna Pune or Compassionate Pune, Arun has begun a process of Collaborating for Compassion between schools in Pune and Karachi/Sindh, Pakistan. These interactions using Zoom will be extended to many other schools in the Indian Subcontinent sothat children (who are our future leaders) can write new stories of compassion in action;

As a writer and author, Arun has written several books and papers. Managing from the Heart andthe book One Wholesome World are both about Leading and governing from a space of wholeness and compassion;

As an inspiring Teacher and Facilitator, Arun has taught two batches of PGPX students on Corporate Ethics at IIM Ahmedabad. He has also served as the Honorary Course Director for thecourse on Ethics and Values in Public Governance for the Government of India from 2005 to 2012. A part of this movement was the development of about 40 trainers in Ethics;

Arun has organized three Peace Conferences and has been involved in Peace initiatives in Jammuand Kashmir.

Arun has co-founded the NGO Pragati Foundation (PF) and the Not for Profit Company, Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership (FPACL). PF works on catalyzing sustainable livelihoods for underprivileged youth and women. FPACL, a global partner of the Charter for Compassion.

Arun co-founded Pragati LeadershipInstitute Pvt. Ltd. (PLI), a spiritually based Leadership Development firm over 35 years ago. During its journey PLI has touched the lives of 127300 leaders in over 930+ organizations and development agencies all over the world;

He is a member of the Global Executive Board of the Charter for Compassion(CfC). The CfC (inspired by the Dalai Lama) oversees the work of 430+ Compassionate Cities and a network of Compassionate Schools all over the world; works to develop young global leaders and PeacePioneers who Collaborate for Compassion across borders;

He has conceptualized, designed, and facilitated many innovative interventions like I-Catalyst®, Wholesome Leadership®, Enjoying Challenges Together®, Bonding for Greatness®, and Awakening to Abundance®.


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