Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe is a Muslim American poet, author, and the President and Executive Producer of Unity Productions Foundation and Co-Executive Producer for UPF Films. For 15 years, Wolfe was publisher of Tombouctou Books, a small press that published poetry and avant garde prose. He is a frequent lecturer on Islamic issues at universities across the United States including Harvard, Georgetown, Stanford,SUNY Buffalo, and Princeton. He holds a degree in Classics from Wesleyan University.
Michael's first books on Islam were The Hadj, a first-person travel account, and One Thousand Roads to Mecca, an anthology of 10 centuries of travelers’ writing. After September 11th, he edited Taking Back Islam: American Muslims Reclaim Their Faith which won a 2003 Wilbur Award.
In 1997, Wolfe hosted a televised account of the Hajj from Mecca forNightline. The program was nominated for Peabody, Emmy, George Polk, and National Press Club Awards. In 2003, Wolfe worked with CNN-International reporter Zain Verjee to produce a documentary on the Hajj.
Michael is the co-director of UPF’s Hollywood engagement program, called MOST – Muslims on Screen and Television, which works with writers and producers to develop more true-to-life characters and storylines of Muslims on television and in films.
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