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Moses Machipisa

Moses Machipisa

An educator by training, Moses Machipisa has spearheaded various youth initiatives in his country in civic leadership development and volunteering.

Among some of his accomplishments, his project on the application of social media in advancing youth civic participation which trained 1300 youth leaders in Zimbabwe on active citizenship was presented and selected as one of the top three innovations in democracy at the World Forum for Democracy 2016.

Between March 2018 and December 2019, Moses led one of the largest volunteer movements in Zimbabwe under the #ThisIsMyHOME Campaign in response to a Cholera outbreak in some of the high-density suburbs within the capital city, Harare.

#ThisIsMyHOME engaged more than 3500 volunteers and had a direct impact of 40 000 beneficiaries who received information on Cholera prevention and handwashing training and disaster relief support. #ThisIsMyHOME was also instrumental in the response to Cyclone Idai which devastated Zimbabwe in 2019.

Moses Is also actively involved in promoting access to quality Education in marginalised rural communities in Zimbabwe.

Moses was also part of the Inaugural cohort of the. Moses is an Alumni Capernaum Scholar and Alumni Global Thinkers Forum Mentee (Telemachus 2019).

He is also a Harvard Kennedy Executive Education School Alumni (Leading Non-Violent Movements for Social Progress) and alumni of the prestigious Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Fellowship.

In 2020 Moses was identified as one of Zimbabwe’s emerging young leaders under The Sxoll Fellowship.

Moses is a Global Citizenship and Civic Education Advocate. He is currently a 2021 Apolitical Academy Fellow which is an incubation program for the next generation of public leaders. Moses is passionate about Ubuntu leadership  and is the Secretary general of the Ubuntu Global Network.

He believes in the power of young people in transforming Africa. He currently sits on the board of  The Charter For Compassion as a trustee.


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