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Who We Are

Board + Council

Laura M. Burgis, Ph.D.

Laura M. Burgis, Ph.D.

Dr. Laura Burgis is president & CEO of the Human Values Center. Prior to the team formation in 2018,she devoted 25 years to academia. She served at Arizona State University’s W. P. Carey School ofBusiness as the Associate Dean & Founding Professor of the Pat Tillman Leadership Through ActionProgram, and where she also was appointed Lincoln Fellow for Ethics in Education & Public Policy.After a 17 year tenure, ventured to CA to join the Claremont Colleges community, serving as 1stExecutive Vice President of Claremont Lincoln University, a graduate institution focused on ethicalleadership and social impact.

Laura has a passion for cultivating human(e) approaches to leadership development and communityevolution. Her current research interests focus on how exponential technologies like AI, robotics andremote learning platforms can be applied to interpersonal landscape development and consciousnessraising. She is also actively involved in the public banking movement and othersocio-economic-ecological system wide collective impact initiatives, working with cross-sectorleadership in cities/universities.

Currently, Dr. Burgis serves on the nonprofit Charter for Compassion International Board of Trusteesand Baltazar & Rose Corporation, an LA based social enterprise supporting refugees and former gangaffiliates with job training and love.

Laura's LinkedIn Profile


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