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The No Bully System

No Bully is a Charter Partner

The No Bully System is a step-by-step process and set of interventions to prevent and stop bullying in your school. It guides school leaders and staff through a series of interventions for responding to bullying and harassment, depending on the severity of the incident. When severe or persistent bullying occurs, teachers facilitate Solution Teams®, where the target’s peer group and the bully come together to stop the bullying. Teachers follow up with Solution Coaching® to help students entrenched in the role of bully or target relate more skillfully with their peers.



Prevent & Interrupt: All staff on campus prevent and interrupt student harassment and bullying.



Refer to a Solution Coach®: If a teacher or staff member perceives a pattern of bullying or harassment, they check in with suspected target to confirm the bullying and then refer to a school Solution Coach for Level 3.



Hold a Solution Team® and Support with Solution Coaching®: A Solution Coach® meets with the target.  If target gives consent, they convene a Solution Team comprising the bully and students from the target’s peer group. The Solution Coach® coaches target and/or bully in more socially effective behaviors as needed.



Implement an Empathy-Building Action Plan: If a pattern of harassment or prejudice is apparent across the entire class or grade, the Solution Coach® implements a plan to teach respect for differences and create a more supportive peer culture.

This evidence-based approach leverages the empathy and kindness inherent in all of us. Independent studies of the No Bully System have revealed that it stops student bullying in over 80% of cases and that this remained true at a three-month follow up.


The No Bully System

  • Aligns easily with other anti-bullying strategies such as social and emotional learning and character education. 
  • Brings your school in to compliance with new state and federal laws on student bullying and harassment. In 45 US states, school districts are now mandated to adopt an anti-bullying policy prohibiting bullying and harassent, and to define how they will respond if an incident occurs. 
  • California's new anti-bullying law - called Seth's Law after the tragic death of Seth Walsh - takes effect on July 1, 2012.  It requires every member of school personnel in California to intervene to stop student harassment and bullying. The No Bully System trains staff how to do this safely.



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