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Raising Compassionate Children

A Gay Kid Tried To Kill Himself At Age 15 Then Became A Really Awesome Role Model At 41

Wentworth Miller, star of the old hit show "Prison Break," gave a heartbreaking and touching speech for the folks at Human Rights Campaign about his painful road to coming out. At 2:34, he explains what it is really like to be a gay kid in most places. At 6:31, he talks about the FIRST time he tried to kill himself. And at 9:18, he explains why it's so important to speak out.

Nine out of 10 gay kids hear negative things about being gay every day. Gay kids are TWICE as likely to be attacked physically in school. So powerful voices like Wentworth's are important to get out there. Would you mind Liking Human Rights Campaign on Facebook and sharing this?

See additional sources at: A Gay Kid Tried to Kill Himself at Age 15 then Became a Really Awesome Role Model at 41



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