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Grassroots Wisdom Book

Compassion Tree Project

Join us by participating in our Compassion Tree Project. We’re planting compassion for our world – tree by tree by tree!

The goal of the Compassion Tree Project (CTP) is to help return Earth to her vibrancy by regreening the world locally, regionally, nationally – far beyond our borders, wherever we live. Imagine a tree, or grove of trees in every yard, on every school and university campus, on the property of every faith and peace institution. Imagine Compassion Trees planted in parks, green spaces and public areas in every community - each tree representing the commitment and responsibility of ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.

The Compassion Tree Project is not only about planting 7.7 billion indigenous trees – each tree representing each person on the planet - it’s also about re-greening our communities with other native plants, especially pollinator species as well as plants that provide food and medicinal benefits to the local residents. It’s about agro-forestry, reforestation, and of course, protecting already existing stands of trees, especially old-growth stands. To learn more about our vision for the CTP.

I Want to Plant Compassion!

Who are Our Partners for the Compassion Tree Project?

The Charter for Compassion is ‘rooting’ this project with Marc Barasch and the Green World Campaign.  The Green World Campaign has been cited by the Natural Resources Defense Council and others for its bold agenda: regenerate degraded landscapes around the world.

Learn more about Marc and the Green World Campaign in Forbes magazine. Read more about Green World in other recent articles.



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