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Grassroots Wisdom Book

CompassionCon Festival

Atlanta CompassionCon is a Springtime three-day, multi-city event throughout Georgia, centering on the viral nature of compassion when communities prioritize common humanity and interdependence. CompassionCon develops awareness, education, and action around compassion for self, others, and the earth. The outdoor festival in the city’s Grant Park includes music and art, wellness activities, food trucks, a kids zone, and mobile health care units. Admission is free to the public.

Day 1 of the Festival: On your own - We invite you to honor your entire personhood by practicing self-compassion. We will have partner-hosted events throughout the city and online. Care for your mind through an awareness meditation. Listen to your body through an online yoga class. Walk a local labyrinth to hear your spirit.

Day 2 of the Festival: With us - We will come together for a fun festival outdoors in the park. There will be theater, partner booths, food trucks, activities for children, and story-telling time. This is a time for you to connect with organizations that center compassion in their work and with like-minded people who want more kindness in the world. This is how we build our interconnectedness as a community and amplify the voice of compassion throughout the city.

Day 3 of the Festival: On your own - We will show our compassion for the earth by connecting with nature. Our partners will distribute a list of hikes, parks, and nature trails in the area. You can plant a tree, volunteer with an organization, or visit a local park you have not visited before and share your experience with us on social media.

Learn more about CompassionCon and the work of Compassionate Atlanta.


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