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Grassroots Wisdom Book

Parisians are Joining the ‘Republic of Super Neighbors’

A compost project organized by the Republic of Super Neighborhoods in Paris, France. Photo by Dmitry Kostyukov for The New York Times.

Parisians are Joining the “Republic of Super Neighbors”

In a territory that spans 50 streets in the 14th arrondissement in Paris, France, over 1200 neighbors have established the Republic of Super Neighbors. They communicate via 40 different WhatsApp groups to plan activities that bring them together, such as intergenerational community gatherings and weekly brunches, or to help each other, like fixing broken appliances or finding a cat sitter.  You can read more about this Parisian experiment and maybe try to replicate it in your town. One of their activities is to gather and share different cheeses… just saying, for our Wisconsin weavers.



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