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Discovering Kindness

Discovering Kindness

Discovering Kindness

Photo by Piet Pederson

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Discovery: 'Kindness' Gene so Powerful it can be Detected by Strangers in 20 Seconds

22 Random Acts of Kindness

A Simple act of Kindness in an Otherwise Crazy World Becomes a Teaching Moment

Compassion Saved my Life — and it Could Save Millions More

Deadly Drinking Game Inspires Kindness Video Craze Across Globe

Ebola Relief Efforts Wrap Up in Louisville, KY

The Unsung Hero in the Checkout Counter

What I Learned From My 60 Deliberate Acts in 60 Days Kindness Birthday Challenge

Kindness: The First Gift

The Healing Power of Kindness

What is Gratitude?

Love Rounds

The Simple Acts we don’t See




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