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Calm Counselling Publications

London, UK

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Calm Counselling Publications (London, UK)

The Calm Counselling Publications counselling contract template is ideal for practitioners and students alike who are looking adopt best ethical practice to keep their client counselling forms up to scratch. Providing a solid legal basis for well-bounded therapy and as a means of obtaining informed consent our counselling forms adhere to the latest BACP ethical framework and are crystal mark approved - written in clear, plain English.

Our counselling contract sample is designed for use by counsellors at all levels, from novices to seasoned and experienced practitioners. We understand that the vast majority of counsellors, especially more person - centered practitioners - are not legal professionals, and thus our counselling forms cover all legal bases. Issues such as informed consent are at the forefront of the client-counsellor relationship, and our counselling contract sample provides a simple framework such that the counsellor can feel comfortable that the therapy has been properly explained.

Furthermore, due to the sheer number of different theoretical standpoints in counselling, it is crucial that a counselling form of agreement is usable from any point of view. Our counselling contract template is usable by practitioners in every modality of counselling. As a result it is a great resource for practitioners and students alike.

Any counselling contract needs to take client needs and requirements into account. Using a counselling contract as the basis for your counselling enables you to get off on a solid footing with your clients and provides an effective tool for forming the therapeutic alliance. Taking the necessities of the latest BACP ethical framework, you can sign your counselling forms off with your clients safe in the knowledge both the counselling contract meets all the ethical pre-requisites .

One of the spin off benefits of the counselling contract is that the practitioner is better safeguarded in the event of issues arising at a later date and that Professional Indemnity insurers should favour the comprehensive nature of the agreement.

You can purchase the Calm Counselling contract template either as a virtual document - allowing up to 200 downloads per annum - or on paper as a physical counselling form outline. You can also submit your existing client agreement for us to review and to get some pointers how to elevate your practice to a higher, safer and more ethical standard.  



London, United Kingdom



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