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Healthy Aging Matters

Portland, ME, USA

Partners F-J

Healthy Aging Matters (Portland, ME, USA)

Partnership for Healthy Aging was created by MaineHealth to improve services for older adults and to support active participation in healthcare self-management. The program links clinicians, evidence-based programs and community services.

PFHA engages local and statewide organizations in developing, translating and disseminating programs that improve the health status of older adults and their caregivers. This collaborative approach ensures that programs address community needs and are accepted by older adults and their caregivers.

PFHA has successfully developed and distributed the Matter of Balance Volunteer Lay Leader Model throughout Maine and 36 other states. The program collaborates with Maine's Office of Elder Services, the Maine Center for Disease Control, Area Agencies on Aging and other community partners in leading Healthy Choices for ME!, a statewide effort to advance evidence-based prevention and wellness programs in Maine. Healthy Choices for ME! programs include :

  • Living Well/Chronic Disease Self-Management
  • Matter of Balance/Volunteer Lay Leader
  • EnhanceFitness 
  • Each program empowers older adults to take control of their health through lifestyle and behavioral changes.



Portland, ME, USA