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Organization for Islamic Learning

Partners K-O

Organization for Islamic Learning

"An organization to promote learning based on Islamic Revelation: the Quran and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad and the Ahlul Bait [ the Family of the Prophet ] in order to promote religious and civic participation in society and interfaith tolerance."

Organization of Islamic Learning is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting learning based on Islamic Revelation : the Qu'ran and the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the Ahlul Bait (A.S.) to cultivate Islamic values.

Islam, as one of the major world religions, faces a daunting challenge of making it's message clear and loud. There is lot of misinformation and Islam, perpetrated by the media, the academia, and ill-educated Muslims. As Muslims, we have the duty of reaching out to the world and provide the best and the most accurate information about Islam based on the Quran and the life of the Prophet and his exemplary followers. There is a need to redefine religious, spiritual and moral resources of Islam that is consistent with the ethical spirit of the Quran.

This is the challenge that the Organization for Islamic Learning has taken up in this website. The website will undertake to educate Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam as it emerges from the verses of the Holy Quran and the exemplary lives of the Prophet, his virtuous family and his pious companions. Keeping this in mind the website will provide links to the following:

  • Know your Islam.
  • Contemporary Issues in Islam.
  • Social and Political Ethics in Islam.
  • Introducing a “Suggested” Reading.
  • Articles on Variety of Topics dealing with Islam.
  • Multimedia Archives that contain various lectures on wide range of topics.