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Peaceful Tomorrows

New York, NY, USA

Partners P-T

Peaceful Tomorrows (New York, NY, USA)

Peaceful Tomorro­ws is an organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who have united to turn our grief into action for peace. By developing and advocating nonviolent options and actions in the pursuit of justice, we hope to break the cycles of violence engendered by war and terrorism. Acknowledging our common experience with all people affected by violence throughout the world, we work to create a safer and more peaceful world for everyone.


Resources for Educator

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows is a partner with the Charter for Compassion which joins individuals, communities, and schools across the globe to unite in mutual support. Their resources, alongside that of other educators, are profiled on the Charter’s Voices Compassionate Education website which offers ideas and resources for teaching nonviolence and compassion.

For those wishing to teach and explore, the Peaceful Tomorrows issue of The Change Agent is a valuable, free resource. The magazine contains lesson plans and discussion questions to give teachers classroom-ready material that will engage students and provide an important forum for critical thinking, sharing, and achieving understanding across diverse experiences.
Through the website, educators can find stories of Peaceful Tomorrows’ 9/11 family members. Peaceful Tomorrows welcomes the participation of educators at all levels. The Peaceful Tomorrows’ website will inspire critical thinking among your students, and you can use its content for writing assignments, curricula, and projects around the topic of 9/11. They invite you to share what you are doing and to contact them.



New York, NY, USA



Peaceful Tomorrows

Facebook page: Peaceful Tomorrows