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UNBC Lifespan Development Research Lab

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Partners U-Z

UNBC Lifespan Development Research Lab (Prince George, BC, Canada)

Welcome to Dr. Sherry Beaumont’s Life Span Development Research Lab!

Dr. Beaumont's research background is in social, emotional and personality development from childhood through adulthood. She and her students are currently conducting research in the general areas of individual differences in emotional and personality development during early and middle adulthood, with a particular focus on identity and character development. There are several characteristics of this research that makes it unique in the field of developmental psychology. Namely, the general theoretical and methodological framework is life span and contextual in nature, and it is grounded in the basic premises underlying the field of positive psychology. Thus, our research is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the positive characteristics and experiences of individuals while they develop a sense of meaning as they age.

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada