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Raleigh, North Carolina 

Partners U-Z


WISHADOO! is a social visionary enterprise imbued with the core values of integrity, respect, and compassion; dedicated to cooperation and authenticity; committed to supporting the positive evolution of Humanity and our world.



The most basic description of the Wishadoo! Community site is this:  a social network and hub for hope warriors, sacred activists, wishers, dreamers and doers, and anyone who feels alone and disconnected yet dreams of a better world. This space offers comprehensive tools to connect, help/be helped, and cultivate compassion, cooperation and authentic community in myriad ways, online and in our own "backyards." Wishadoo!'s tools have been designed to integrate and be of service to all sectors of community:  individuals, neighborhoods, schools, organizations and businesses. The primary tool at present is our Wishlist, which is referred to as "a craigslist of compassion and joy."



WISHADOO! is a social visionary enterprise imbued with the core values of empathy, compassion, integrity, and respect, dedicated to cooperation, collaboration and community.  Wishadoo! provides a framework with tools to

Connect people (of all ages and backgrounds) who share these values; 

Foster innovation and creativity inspired by these values; 

Initiate and support projects focused on Our Common Good; 

Nurture Grassroots Community Philanthropy. 

In addition to being a portal to raise awareness, provide resources, and facilitate connections and discussion, Wishadoo! is an incubator for cooperative projects, gift economies|sharing economies and other initiatives that share the focused intent of creating more compassionate, cooperative communities.

All sectors of our communities are invited to join Wishadoo! and align with these core principles. Together, we're creating a New World.



Wishadoo! is a personal and community awakening, a social (r)evolution. It's the Community of Tomorrow built on your dreams and visions of today. Wishadoo! provides a foundation which empowers each and every person to dream a better world and supports them in a variety of ways to act upon their dreams. The intent is for Wishadoo! to be self-sustaining, and to create jobs and income opportunities for others through a cooperative model of mutual benefit, supporting and sustaining the collective, common good. We are shifting the traditional model of "profit-only corporation" to "mutual-benefit cooperation" with the social vision as the guiding force.



The need for a Big Vision, for ONE space -- one gathering place, one gateway, one clearinghouse for compassion, cooperation and community -- has become clear. So many are struggling and don't know where to turn and are often too embarrassed to ask. It's time for people to join together to help one another in countless ways....ways we have yet to imagine, beyond the existing avenues. Wishadoo! encourages regular, everyday people to dream a better world and feel empowered to take action. We can brainstorm about new types of structures (co-ops, bartering clubs, time banks, etc.) and new ways of doing anything and everything.  At Wishadoo! we can come together to develop innovative ideas and create a new world.

Wishadoo! is where people can open their hearts and minds to dream, share those dreams, and then work together to make dreams which benefit The Common Good a reality.

It is time for HEARTS to be WIDE OPEN.  We're Crowdsourcing Compassion.

"Each of us is an expression of hope in the world. And we all have within us the power to move our world forward. Each small action we take is a determination in the direction of humanity. There is no need to wait for someone else to save us. Wishadoo! provides tools to help build the communities we want. Together, we have an abundance of abilities, an abundance of ideas, and an abundance of solutions.

By sharing the vision of a compassionate, caring community, we take humanity to the next level; where we share from our abundance. Wishadoo! is about meeting in community to meet the needs of humanity. Transforming the way we conduct ourselves in community, in business, in life, because the business of community is life. Wishadoo! supports strategies that support life. We are longing for the connection that comes from real community action; meeting our needs and the needs of others. This is our heritage as humans. From our hope for a bright future, springs the change we bring to the world.

Our future is in our hands. I invite everyone to join the hand of friendship, community, vision, that is offered to you now, in this space. Come join us at Wishadoo!, where we bring community to life."

~ Wishadoo! Founding Member, Bonnie York


Raleigh, North Carolina 

