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Build Compassionate Communities

Religious + Interfaith Groups

Photo by geralt on Pixabay

Connecting through Compassion

  • Are the faith and spiritual groups within our community involved in guiding, nourishing, and providing compassionate support to relieve pain and suffering?  What programs and activities exist that we might build on?
  • Are diverse faith communities reaching out to learn more about each other, to get to know one another, and to respect each other?
  • Does our community celebrate differences and diversity of faiths—within our community and throughout the world?
  • Do faith groups in our community have positive interactions with each other?
  • Do faith groups interface with those who are not part of a faith community?
  • Does our community seek to listen to those who don’t naturally speak out?  How does our community encourage the willingness to be open to the “other”?
  • Does the faith community invite groups that don’t identify as faith groups to connect with us and join us in our commitment to compassionate action?
  • Does our community encourage interfaith coalitions?


United Nations Sustainability Goals:

  • Achieve gender equality, social inclusion, and human rights for all.
  • Empower inclusive, productive, and resilient cities.


“The World We Want 2015” Priorities

  • An Honest and Responsive Government
  • Political Freedoms
  • Freedom from Discrimination and Persecution


Education and Awareness

  • Are there safety issues for faith groups in the community?  How do other faith groups act supportively and compassionately? 
  • Does our community have a plan in response to threats or tragedies? 
  • Do our schools include compassion education including an introduction to the universality of the Golden Rule (or something similar) for all religions? 
  • Does our community focus on compassion as a universal, non-volatile access point to draw diverse groups together for conversation, for change and mutual respect? 
  • Does our community have programs to educate people and provide religious/faith/spiritual literacy in our communities? 



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