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Seda: Voices of Iran

Lesson: Bridge to Iran (Link TV: Television without Borders)

Bridge to Iran is a unique new series on Link TV that showcases documentary films by contemporary independent Iranian filmmakers who live and work in Iran. This nationally-broadcast series will provide a fresh view of what ordinary Iranians are concerned about and the issues they grapple with. The series covers a wide-ranging scope of subjects: first-hand accounts by young girls facing womanhood within an Islamic society; religious pilgrims who risk their lives to visit a holy site in war-torn Iraq; rural life and political awareness; and an energetic and surprising exploration of Tehran as a mega metropolis. 

This is the first time an American television channel has presented a series of documentary films about Iran by Iranian filmmakers.  The result is a shattering of our preconceived ideas about a nation and culture that most Americans have little or no real knowledge or experience of. Each documentary in the series will be introduced by Salome Azizi, the Bridge to Iran series host, with comments from each filmmaker, who will provide additional context and background.

Visit Bridge to Iran,, whcih is hosted by Link TV:Television without Borders and watch one or more of the introductory shorts.  Be a critic.  Write a review of the work of Bridge to Iran's work and the importance of viewing work that speaks directly to the people of Iran.  In your critic speak to how your images of Iran may have been changed because of what you saw.  

You can also arrange to view the entire film on a night it appears on Direct TV or Dish Network TV.  In this way, your critique can be more informed.


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