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Grassroots Wisdom Book

Envision Kindness

Do you believe the world can be a kinder place?

It can, through your photography. We know that after people see images of kindness, they are kinder, happier, more optimistic, and more generous.

Envision Kindness is a non-profit that inspires kindness, compassion, joy, and love through still and video photography. We share the best images to inspire people wherever they are. Some images become part of inspiring videos for Enspire.



Be a part of the movement. Submit your images #PictureABetterWorld

  • It is FREE to enter!
  • Your art can help create new acts of kindness and make people happier
  • You could win some cash
  • Your work may be showcased on the Envision Kindness website and distributed through our networks with your photo credit
  • Your favorite nonprofit could have their work celebrated and featured across Envision’s platforms

Check out the Envision website for the annual contest. Want more specifics? Visit their official website to know everything you need to know for rules, terms, and conditions. 

Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.
Prizes will be awarded according to US law*.



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