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Interesting Articles

Interesting Articles

Interesting Articles

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash


The Charter for Compassion’s Business Sector collects articles that will help keep us aware of compassionate practices and programs.  As you can imagine, this is a difficult tasks. Below are listed sources that may be of interest. When searching for up-to-date articles, make sure to use keywords like "equitable business practices," "inclusive business initiatives," or "sustainable business models." In addition to naming these sources there are articles that we have collected that we feel are worthy of sharing.

  • Harvard Business Review (HBR): HBR covers a wide range of business topics, including articles on diversity and inclusion in the workplace, ethical business practices, and sustainable business models.
  • Forbes: Forbes often publishes articles on business innovation, social entrepreneurship, and equitable business practices.
  • The Guardian - Sustainable Business: The Guardian's Sustainable Business section provides insights into socially responsible and equitable business practices from around the world.
  • GreenBiz: GreenBiz is a reliable source for news and articles on sustainable business practices, including topics related to equity and inclusion.
  • Fast Company: Fast Company features articles on cutting-edge business practices, including topics related to diversity, equity, and sustainability.
  • B Corps Blog: B Corps are certified companies that meet high social and environmental standards. Their blog often discusses new equitable business practices and initiatives.
  • United Nations Global Compact (UNGC): UNGC's website offers resources and articles on corporate sustainability, responsible business practices, and inclusive growth.
  • Triple Pundit: Triple Pundit covers topics related to people, planet, and profit, including articles on equitable business practices and social impact.
  • Social Enterprise UK: This organization focuses on social enterprises and often shares insights into equitable and socially responsible business models.
  • Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR): SSIR publishes articles on social innovation and entrepreneurship, including topics on equitable business practices and impact-driven projects.

When searching for articles, try to use specific keywords related to the areas you are interested in exploring further. Also, consider setting up Google Alerts for relevant topics to receive the latest articles directly to your inbox.



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