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Sector Team

Sector Team

Sector Team

Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash


Olivia McIvor, Interim

Olivia is a social researcher, author and people advocate with over 3 decades in human resource management and organizational development. Throughout her career her work has played a critical role in influencing change with corporate clients across a wide spectrum of industries. Known as a ‘people champion’ since early in her career, Olivia was told she would never be successful if she continued to “wear her heart on her sleeve”; today this proclamation has become her trademark. She is the author of four best-selling books, The Business of Kindness, Four Generations, One Workplace, and I See You, and Disruptive Kindness. Olivia is the leader of the Charter for Compassion Education Institute and teaches in the faculty of business at the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

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