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EdNet Forum

Peace Leadership Model

When: March 20 @ 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM PT

With: James Offuh, United For Peace Against Conflicts International (UFPACI)


Peace leadership is the rational practice between individuals or more with different opinions to explore each other perspectives uncovering a new social intelligence to release an unprecedented creativity inventing common future that collectively benefits all and the Planet.

Central to peace leadership is a desire for inclusion and cohesion driven on authentic communication and deep listening culture, with its quality of listening to learn, learning to listen from the other story life narratives, without critics, accusation or condemnation, focusing on creating a positive thriving social change.


Experiential definition

it’s a journey of self-discovery towards sustainable collaboration, which invites individuals or more people in that journey to dignify equally, Human Dignity in my opinion expresses respect to all Human Being and the EARTH!.


What it is about

Integral peace leadership is a proactive and holistic intentional approach of individual and collective action built through the interconnected development of skills and practices in order to address the root cause of hatred, discrimination, and violent conflict to create thriving socio-ecological just change.



About the facilitator James Offuh

James is a passionate and devoted peace advocate, relationship builder, peace maker, civic-community development educator, authentic dialogue, communication skills practitioner and facilitator. 

He is the President-Founder of a Nonprofit-UFPACI - United for Peace Against Conflicts International, based in Cote d’Ivoire.

He holds certificates as a Reconciliation facilitator from Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue California, USA, in Integrated Data Analytics for sustaining Peace from United Nation System Staff College, in Conflicts Transformation from Peace Direct, in Skills for effective Negotiation from University of Peace -Center for Executive Education Costa Rica, Level 1 Certificate in Kingian Non-violence and Conflict Reconciliation from the University of Rode Island Center for Non-violence and Peace Studies, Diploma certificate in Community-driven social change skill from 2022 class Goldin Global Fellow- Goldin Institute USA and a Diploma BCC, LCC, LDC in leadership from World of Faith Bible Institute, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

Serving currently as United Religion Initiative Cooperation Circle Leader, Côte d’Ivoire, Offuh was awarded the Honoree Visionary Peace Builder of the year 2018 by Euphrates Institute USA. He served as a program facilitator, mentor, and presently as Programs Advisor for Peace Practice Alliance Euphrates Institute USA. In 2023, he was awarded member of Accelerating Black Leadership and Entrepreneurship (ABLE) Mentors Community by African Diaspora Network USA, Awarded Humanity Flourishing Prize 2024 by I am Humanity organization USA.