At Kehelland we look for the best in every child - the gifts within-and our academic standards are consistently above the national average.
Our school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3pm. Break is at 10:30 to 10:45 and lunch is 12noon to 1pm.
The mornings are focussed on Literacy and Maths, while the afternoons are topic and foundation subject orientated.
We understand that outside learning is extremely important to a childs development. We are coastal guardians at Godrevy and have strong links with Tehidy woods and the Kehelland Horticultural Centre. We also try to take our children out into our schools grounds whenever the opportunity arises.
At Kehelland Village School we also know that children need to be shown that learning is an enjoyable and fun activity, We hold regular topic days where we undertake a variety of hands on and kinaesthetic learning opportunities. Children also get to go on a variety of school trips throughout the year.
Location: Cornwall, UK, England
Website: Kehelland School