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Advocating for Justice-Involved Youth:

Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline


Advocating for Justice-Involved Youth: Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline

Date: Thursday, November 7th @ 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Cost: Suggested donation $10 US. While we provide an option to attend this event for free, as a nonprofit we depend on donations and your contribution is greatly appreciated!

Presenter: Kaylah Holland, Ed. D.
Organization: Breakfree Education


Watch the Recording of the Program


Students involved in the juvenile justice system often return to public school classrooms after spending time in a secure school located in a detention centers or incarceration facilities across the US. This session will highlight education inside the juvenile justice system, showcase how educators are creating engaging classrooms, offer examples of student created work, and outline how you can disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by advocating for justice-involved students.

  • We believe that all children have the right to learn, grow, and dream, so our mission is to radically improve education in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.
  • Students involved in the juvenile justice system often return to public school classrooms after spending time in a secure school located in a detention centers or incarceration facilities across the US.
  • We partner directly with juvenile justice agencies across the country, providing the resources, training, and networks they need to make school relevant and meaningful.  
  • We develop quality educational programs that inspire and engage students held in confinement and get them excited about their education. 
  • We work with policymakers to shape the world we want to see – one where our young people have the education and support needed to reach their full potential.

This session will highlight education inside the juvenile justice system, showcase how educators are creating engaging classrooms, offer examples of student created work, and outline how you can disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline by advocating for justice-involved students. 

Please register by clicking the button above and join us!



headshot of Dr. Kaylah Holland

About the Presenter

Dr. Kaylah Holland is passionate about empowering educators through professional development, one-on-one coaching, and innovative lesson design. She holds a Doctorate of Education in Instructional Design and Technology with extensive research in active learning environments. Driven by a passion for education, Dr. Holland consistently explores innovative methods to empower educators and champion student-centered classrooms. She is a Google Certified Innovator, Trainer, and Coach, a college professor, and an ISTE Community Leader.

She was presented the “20 to Watch” award by ISTE in 2022 and was recognized by EdTech K-12 Magazine as a top 30 influencer in 2023. She was named a Featured Voice for ISTE in 2024. Kaylah is the author of Putting Out Fires: a Framework for Solving Problems in Your Classroom or School published in 2024. As the Director of Instructional Technology and Blended Learning for BreakFree Education, Kaylah empowers educators to foster innovative, sustainable, and active educational experiences inside juvenile justice facilities across the United States offering students held in confinement a path to success in school and life. She also works to empower educators across the globe as the founder of Go Teach Be Love, a nonprofit providing professional development to educators in developing countries, and the co-founder of Global Good Edu, a program recognizing the incredible impact educators are making around the world.



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