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Mapping Compassionate Schools

Photo by Z on Unsplash

Click here to go to SCC Map

Charter for Compassion in collaboration with the Foundation for Peace and Compassionate Leadership has created the space for schools to sign up and start communicating with each other.  

Just knowing that you are not alone in the world, and that there are many schools and education center's out there doing similar work: trying to make this world a (more compassionate one,) better place is uplifting and brings us hope.  

Have you ever wondered if there are schools, teachers/educators and students/learners in other parts of the world with your same passion for compassion?  

Would you like to communicate with them? Maybe the teachers/educators from your schools/centers can learn from one another, or the students/learners can connect and inspire one another, even classroom to classroom conversations can be initiated.

Would you like to find out what they are doing in their area? Some schools take food or blankets to those in need, some students give classes in schools to help others grow, some have a fine recycle and environment program. Join the map to contact them and find out. 

Do you have an idea or program that might help them in their quest for a more compassionate world?  

Make sure your school is part of this movement! Join the Schools Collaborating for Compassion map.


What to Expect when your School is on the SCC Map

You’ll see other schools in your area (and around the globe) (and far away) with the same passion for compassion as your school/education centre. 

Other schools, directors, admins or teachers might send you an invitation, please, choose to answer the call! 

Use the map to communicate with other schools, invite and encourage new members to join you and collaborate. Facilitate learners to meet and exchange conversation and energy on zoom. The possibilities are unlimited. 

Let’s expand Compassion beyond our borders!

Step by Step Procedure to Register

  1. Click on Register in the top right hand corner.
  2. Fill-in the form and accept the terms and conditions, 
  3. Click Submit
  4. An email will be sent to your address, please confirm your registration.
  5. You're on the map!

Now you can select a school, or various schools, and connect with them!

You are ready to start Collaborating for Compassion!

Do you need to change the information on your form? Please deregister and re-register correctly. This is a safety measure so only you can change your information.


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