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Grassroots Wisdom Book

Positively Empowered Kids

Statistics vary from country to country, but in the UK, an estimated 10% of children between the ages of 5 and 16 have a clinically diagnosed mental health problem, according to the Mental Health Foundation. Of that 10%, 70% received no early interventions. What if, instead, we could "grow a generation of children who will become effective leaders based on heart-centered leadership, resilience, leading with compassion, living consciously, authentically, rooted in trust, love, and kindness"?

The Positively Empowered Kids LinkedIn page, quoted above, introduces an organization that hopes to do just that! Moms Claire Clements, Jackie Wilson, and Susan Brookes, from Nottingham, England, started Positively Empowered Kids in 2019. The organization's vision is "to grow a happier and healthier world where children are resilient, compassionate, and empowered to navigate life’s challenges and realize their potential." They work toward this vision by collaborating directly with "the whole ecosystem of a child," including families, schools, businesses, and organizations, to promote positive mental health and raise awareness of early intervention and prevention options.

One activity Positively Empowered Kids has initiated that could be an excellent idea for your community is their annual Festival for families with children aged 5-12. Through fun activities, interactive demonstrations, and experts sharing "knowledge of how to [help children] flourish and thrive," families become proactive in combatting anxiety and other mental health problems and building self-confidence and self-belief. One fun way PEK plans to build that self-belief at the 2022 Festival is through a Superhero Cape Walk. Participants walk the 1.5-mile racecourse, led by Mama G. from Britain's Got Talent.

Positively Empowered Kids' website offers support and ideas for empowering children in all areas of their "ecosystem" and is well worth a visit. It's easy to see why they've won awards like the 2020 Club Hub award for children's activity providers in the UK. For more on the Positively Empowered Kids Annual Festival and Cape Walk, please see this link: Positively Empowered Kids Festival 2022. You might also want to check out their Facebook and Instagram pages!



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