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Community of Mindful Parents

At the Community of Mindful Parents we empower parents to become more effective, mindful and compassionate. We offer two parenting groups, Listening Mothers and Reflective Parenting, both with research based curriculums that promote strong family bonds and sets the foundation for long lasting emotional health.

The Listening Mothers program offers a unique opportunity for parents of babies, birth through six months of age, to discover the joys of parenting. 

Study after study shows that todays parents are more stressed than ever before.Are you one of these well intended but overwhelmed parents?  If you are, we have the program just for you. Our researched based curriculum will turn the present moment into a  pleasant moment!

Our eight week Listening Mother program offers:

  • Easy to master mindful based skills that help reduce stress and increase sense of well being
  • Non judgmental environment in which each parent can discover and share  their own inner wisdom
  • Experienced facilitators who are  trained in healthy, emotional development who will explore with  parents the  possible meanings of their baby’s behavior as well as the impact of the baby’s behavior on the parents
  • A chance to learn the importance of self regulation: skillful ways of staying  calm in the face of a storm
  • A way of being with your baby that is effective, nurturing, trust building and joyful
  • Skills on becoming more attuned to yourself and your baby
  • A community of like-minded supportive parents who, like yourself aspire to be the best parent they can be and are willing to embark on the parenting journey with an open mind, curiosity and wiliness to explore!



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