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Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA

Update 2020

After taking a break for the holidays, January and February consisted of fund raising.   At the beginning of March, we started planning a dedication ceremony for March 21 where our mayor would speak and the trees purchased as memorials for others were to be planted. Unfortunately, early to mid March presented us with the challenge of  dealing with COVID , and we had to cancel our plans for the ceremony. We had invited Kate Trnka from the Charter for Compassion to be with us that day too.  It was hard to cancel all our exciting plans.

As a result of the cancellation, our City of Fayetteville Urban Forestry team planted all the trees.......192 in all.  We were very proud of our city of 83,000 people supporting us in this way.  We also had some money left over and it will be used to purchase additional trees to be planted this Fall.

The Compassion Tree Project was a huge success in our area.  In addition to adding beauty to our city, it helped people gather together in community to serve the need to help turn back climate change.  Many citizens have an interest and dedication to projects of this kind which help to preserve the pristine beauty and purity of our air and water of our beautiful city.

Coming March 21, 2020 - Fayetteville's First Planting Celebration!

Trees are a vital part of the solutions to helping the environment. Trees are the answer. The City of Fayetteville’s Urban Forestry is partnering with Compassion Fayetteville for our first planting celebration on March 21st. More details on the planting celebration coming soon. Please visit our website for future announcements.

Compassion Fayetteville challenges charitable organizations, philanthropic groups and service organizations to join them with planting trees this spring … a lot of trees!


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