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A Conversation with Jennifer Wilhoit


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Charter for Compassion’s Environment Sector Read with Jennifer J. Wilhoit

“Weaned Seals and Snowy Summits:
Stories of Passion for Place and Everyday Nature”

By Jennifer J. Wilhoit, Ph.D. and Stephen B. Jones, Ph. D.

Did you miss it? Do you want to listen in again? This successful interview with author Jennifer Wilhoit was recorded:

Weaned Seals and Snowy Summits: Stories of Passion for Place and Everyday Nature is a collection of revelations that two Earth-loving souls have gleaned through nature exploration. The authors are focused on how soil and birds; trees and rivers; rain, cycles, and science can inspire creativity and care for the land. The authors’ lives have taken different trails, yet they are aligned in promoting environmental stewardship through understanding, inspiration, and enjoyment of the ecological world. They share the goal of leaving the world a better place. It is by deep engagement with creatures and landscapes that one feels the interconnection with the web of all living beings and finds wisdom for everyday living. Travel through the pages of this book to see the beauty and awe of this Earth.