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Global Read

A Constellation of Connections

by Vanessa Hurst


A Constellation of Connections

Contemplative Relationships

This Global Read was held June 12, 2019 at 7am PST

Webinar Facilitator: Mimi Hicklin, Charter for Compassion Coordinator

Watch a recording of the program here

IMG-7907 I haven’t failed; I can tell you 10,000 ways not to be in relationship.

Instead of judging our relationships in terms of success or failure, what happens when we view relationships as opportunities to experience our challenges, learn our lessons, and meet our life purpose? By reframing the way we perceive relationships, we create more mindful, contemplative connections with our self, others, the sacred, and all of creation.

Vanessa F. Hurst, M.S., uses the metaphor of the night sky to explore how silence, compassion, and communion contribute to living in relationship. By developing a greater awareness of these three elements, we mindfully create and sustain a constellation of contemplative relationships.


The Elements

Through the night sky’s inky darkness develop a practice of silence to increase awareness of the present moment, focus on relationship connections, and navigate around distractions.

Through the stars, the sparks of compassion present within each person, sentient being, and part of creation, practice self-compassion and strengthen relationships by sharing compassion and receiving it from others.

Through the connectors of our constellation, the deepest form of communication, communion, experiencing a full body, multi-sensory way of communicating. Engage others physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Through silence, compassion, and communion, we connect to others with greater awareness and mindfulness. Life becomes a dynamic, evolving constellation of contemplative relationships.

Vanessa F. Hurst is a life coach through intuitive connection, author, and compassion consultant. As a life coach, she forms a bridge from her intuition to her client’s to understand their current challenges, identify life lessons, and live with soul purpose. Vanessa develops and facilitates results-driven resources for identifying compassion competencies, stakeholder/community building, and organizational culture strengthening.  Vanessa brings 24 years of experience intuitively guiding clients in becoming their best — personally and organizationally.

Vanessa is the author of three books published by Wildefyr Press. She nationally presents programs featuring compassion, mindfulness, contemplative living, and intuitive awareness. She is the innovator-facilitator of both the Compassion Conversation© and Compassion’s Circle©. Contact Vanessa for programs, keynotes, consultations, and individual sessions. More information available at

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