This Global Read with Paul Gilbert: Living Like Crazy, was held January 16, 2020
Watch a recording of the program here

This book explores how our archetypal potential can be dangerously shaped by culture, inadvertently forcing us to live in crazy and destructive ways. Through a wide ranging discussion of different aspects of human society, history and evolution, Gilbert demonstrates the costly psychological defenses that we use to cope with the reality of suffering and how cultivating compassion can enable us to hone balance, connection, health and the social good.
Paul Gilbert is a global force in the science of compassion. In this fascinating book, Gilbert takes us far beyond the psychology of meditation. Living Like Crazy guides us on a journey to a radical sanity - that might just change your life. If you have enjoyed learning about mindfulness or self-compassion, do yourself a big favor and begin reading Living Like Crazy today.
~ Dennis Tirch PhD, author of The Compassionate Mind Approach to Overcoming Anxiety, founder of The Center for Compassion Focused Therapy in NY, USA.
Living Like Crazy by renowned international compassion and evolutionary psychologist Paul Gilbert dives into our innate potential for some of our dark sides of power, tribalism, status, aggression, cruelty and war. He reveals how the competitiveness of modern life can act as the perfect echo chamber that magnifies our less appealing qualities. Gilbert plants many seeds of compassion throughout the book as a way of helping orient the mind to bring the best out of ourselves and humanity. The book is a refreshing insight into the craziness of human living and provides excellent insights into the mind from a range of perspectives including evolution, neuroscience, culture, and philosophy. It is a must-read book and confirms Gilbert as a one of the most original and forward thinkers of our time.
~ James Kirby, PhD, director of the Compassionate Mind Research Group, The University of Queensland
Paul Gilbert, FBPsS, PhD, OBE is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Derbyshire Health Care Foundation Trust. He has researched evolutionary approaches to psychopathology for over 35 years with a special focus on shame and the treatment of shame based difficulties, for which compassion focused therapy (CFT) was developed. He has written and edited 22 books, including the bestselling Overcoming Depression and The Compassionate Mind, and established the Compassionate Mind Foundation in 2006. He was awarded an OBE in March 2011.

Webinar Facilitator
Dr Lynne Reeder is an Adjunct Research Fellow in the Faculty of Health at Federation University Australia. In 2015, she completed a study that examined the role of empathy conversations as a policy resource, later presenting the findings at the 3rd Global Empathy conference at Oxford University. She has previously worked at the University of Melbourne and ANU in both academic and knowledge transfer roles. Lynne trained as a meditation teacher with Deepak Chopra in the US and currently teaches mindfulness at a regional hospital-based Wellness Centre. As a Board Director of the public good Think Tank Australia21, she created the Mindful Futures Network, to map innovations in the science of mindfulness, empathy and compassion within Australian organisations; and leads the Australian Compassion Council of the Charter for Compassion, a global network of collaborative partnerships. She completed her PhD at Monash University on the international relations theory of global interdependence and has extensive experience in policy development working for national associations such as the Committee for Economic Development of Australia and Professions Australia.
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