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Global Read

An Era of Consciousness

by Various Authors


An Era of Consciousness

This Global Read was held on June 14, 2021 at 1 pm Pacific Time.

Watch a recording of the program here

A collection of essays by some of the best thinkers of our time. 
Published by Encuentro Mundial de Valores.


An Era of Consciousness—Una era para la consciencia is a book of essays by remarkable thinkers of our age, such as Riane Eisler, Claudio Naranjo and two authors who will be a part of the webinar, Leonardo Boff and Bernardo Kliksberg.

We can say that in the 1960s, with the appearance of the counter culture, a collective feeling emerged that implied the de-idealization of civilization itself. In his contribution to the book, the Hungarian philosopher, Ervin Lászlo, tells us that we are reaching a "bifurcation point" and Boff wonders if we are doomed to suffer and witness our own destruction or can we still correct the course we are on. He concludes that "to get out of this dramatic situation, we have to reinvent ourselves as a species: we need a new wisdom that will lead us to deep liberation and personal transformation.

It is to be hoped that the choral effect of so many recognized thinkers will have the effect of lifting us out of resigned denial and our collective impotence, and may facilitate the transition to that age of consciousness that replaces the current politics of unconsciousness and delusion.

Here are some readings in English for authors Leonardo Boff and Bernado Kliksberg

Interview | Leonardo Boff, a founder of liberation theology

Article: Liberation Theology of Leonardo Boff

Bernardo Kliksberg | Open Mind Author

Re-examining the Relationship between Ethics and the Economy: Some Explanatory Notes for Action


About the Author


Leonardo Boff (Brazil)

Author of more than 60 books, Leonardo Boff is a Brazilian theologian, philosopher writer, and former Catholic priest known for his active support for liberation theology. He currently serves as Professor Emeritus of Ethics, Philosophy of Religion, and Ecology at the Rio de Janeiro State University. In 2001, he received the Right Livelihood Award for "his inspiring insights and practical work to help people realize the links between human spirituality, social justice and environmental stewardship."

Leonardo Boff studied Philosophy and Theology. In 1970 he received a PhD in Theology and Philosophy from the University of Munich-Germany. He entered the Order of the Friars Minor, Franciscans, in 1959.

For twenty-two years he was Professor of Systematic and Ecumenical Theology at the Franciscan Theological Institute of Petrópolis, professor of Theology and Spirituality in several study centers and universities in Brazil and abroad, and visiting professor at the universities of Lisbon (Portugal), Salamanca ( Spain), Harvard (USA), Basel (Switzerland) and Heidelberg (Germany).

He has always been an ardent defender of the cause of Human Rights, having helped to formulate a new perspective of Human Rights from Latin America, with the “Rights to Life and the means to maintain it with dignity.”



Dr. Bernado Kliksberg 

Dr. Kliksberg is an Argentine economist renowned for his work on poverty and inequality in Latin America. Pioneer of new areas of development thinking, among them is considered one of the international precursors in corporate social responsibility. Dr. Kliksberg is Senior Advisor to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Latin America and the Caribbean

Author of more than forty-eight books and hundreds of works on various areas of development, corporate social responsibility, senior management, social capital, anti-poverty, ethics, and economics. His most recent work, written with Nobel Laureate, Amartya Sen, is the bestseller People First.

He also serves as Director of the Spain-UNDP Trust Fund ‘Towards integrated and inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean’. He has advised more than 30 countries in high management, including several presidents and numerous public organizations such as the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, International Labor Organization, Organization of American States, Pan American Health Organization, among others.


About the Host


Cristina Gonzalez 

In 1998 Cristina founded in Monterrey, Mexico, a volunteer center, EZER A.B.P., with the aim of generating a culture of service that favors the human development of people, the formation of leaders, and strengthens social causes with trained volunteers.

Currently, EZER has nine volunteer centers in northern Mexico and 8,200 volunteers who support more than 384 NGOs. Through EZER, accredited with the ISO 9001-2008certification, a corporate volunteering model was created that allows, through a project bank, to generate alliances for the development of community projects.

Among other activities, Cristina has served as counselor of Challenges A.B.P., since 2002 she has been a volunteer and now a counselor with the Catechist Missionaries of the Poor. One year later she founded with others, Estima A.B.P., an organization that serves people with stress, anxiety and depression.

Today she directs, Encuentro Mundial de Valores, a Human Values Conference. She lectures throughout Mexico, writes poetry and in 2015 was recognized with an honorary doctorate from Cervantina University. Cristina is the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Charter for Compassion.



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