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Global Read

Save Your City

by Diane Kalen-Sukra


Save your City

How toxic culture kills community & what to do about it

The Global Read was held on February 18, 2021

Watch a recording of the program here

Toxic culture is eroding our sense of belonging, community and well-being. Our capacity to collaborate and innovate together is also being undermined by the rising incivility and divisiveness. We need each other to address the complex challenges facing our cities and communities -- from the infrastructure deficit to climate change, homelessness, mental health and addiction issues. In order to thrive, our local democracies depend on our ability to revive the art of living and working well together. 

In this thought-provoking and inspiring book, Diane Kalen-Sukra empowers community leaders and citizens to be part of the solution. She demonstrates what's involved by taking readers on a journey from Bullyville to Sustainaville, including an eye-opening visit to classical antiquity. The successful journey includes a renaissance of civic values and civic education as vital to fostering the type of culture that can sustain us, our democracy and our planet.

Watch Save Your City Book Trailer Video


About the Author


Diane Kalen-Sukra, MA, CMC is an author, keynote speaker, and community builder. She was born with the gift of encouragement and desire for everyone to thrive and meet their potential. Her core belief is that as social beings, we flourish in healthy, sustainable communities where good governance, servant leadership and compassionate culture support the well-being of all.

Over the past 25 years, this inspiration has taken Diane to countless communities in leadership roles from CBC television producer, documentary maker, community organizer to multi-award winning municipal Chief Administrative Officer.

She is an expert advisor to municipalities and organizations, educator, certified culture transformation consultant with Barrett Values Centre & certified compassionate integrity facilitator with Life University's Centre for Compassion, Integrity & Secular Ethics. She is also a media commentator and widely published writer. Look for Diane’s regular Civic Resilience column in Public Sector Digest.

For more information, visit Save Your City or Kalen Consulting
Connect with Diane on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter.
Join Diane Kalen-Sukra’s Ancient Wisdom for Modern City Builders blog.


About the Host 


Lisa A. Berkley, PhD is the founder and director of Institute for Inner Economy, a non-partisan think tank dedicated to operationalizing positive peace for governance, diplomacy, and civil progress, at the local, national, and international level. Her work as a peace facilitator, activist, and municipal leader has spanned across three continents and stems from more than 25 years of experience in alternative/holistic medicine and education, stress management, and interpersonal conflict resolution. Her work has been publicly recognized across the globe.

Dr. Berkley’s current focus is on helping small to mid-sized cities adopt holistic city frameworks in order to be in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  She is an elected City Councilmember in her home city of Marina, California where she serves on a number of Boards including Women In International Security’s U.S. West Coast Chapter (WIISWest), the Housing Resource Center of Monterey County, and AMBAG (Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments) where she is their representative on CALCOG (California Association of Councils of Governments).  Dr. Berkley also serves on the Advisory Council for Compassionate California, is the Lead for Compassionate Monterey County, and is the Co-Lead for the Charter for Compassion’s Peace Sector.




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