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Global Read

The Inner Self

by Hugh Mackay


The Inner Self

The Global Read was held on March 8, 2022 at 5 pm Pacific Time.

Watch a recording of the program here

'How can I get in touch with this real self, underlying all my surface behaviour? How can I become myself?' Carl Rogers, US psychotherapist

The Inner Self is a book about the ways we hide from the truth about ourselves and the psychological freedom we enjoy when we finally face that most searching question of all: 'Who am I, really?'

Hugh Mackay explores our 'top 20' hiding places - from addiction to materialism, nostalgia to victimhood. He explains how it is our fear of love's demands that drive us into hiding.

He argues that love is our highest ideal, the richest source of life's meaning and purpose, and the key to our emotional security, personal serenity and confidence.

Yet Mackay exposes the great paradox of human nature, that while love brings out our best, we don't always want our best brought forward.

Powerfully written and drawing on a lifetime of research, The Inner Self is a work of extraordinary insight by one of Australia's most respected psychologists.


About the Author


Hugh Mackay AO is a social psychologist and researcher, and the bestselling author of 21 books, including his latest, The Inner Self, which was published concurrently with his eighth novel, The Question of Love.

He has had a 60-year career in social research, and was also a weekly newspaper columnist for over 25 years. He is currently an honorary professor in the Research School of Psychology at ANU, and a patron of the Asylum Seekers Centre. Among other honorary appointments, he has been deputy chairman of the Australia Council for the Arts, the inaugural chairman of the ACT government’s Community Inclusion Board, and an honorary professor at Macquarie, Wollongong and Charles Sturt universities. 

Hugh is a Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society and the Royal Society of NSW. In recognition of his pioneering work in social research, he has been awarded honorary doctorates by Charles Sturt, Macquarie, NSW, Western Sydney and Wollongong universities. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2015.


About the Host


Dr. Lynne Reeder is the National Director of the Australian Compassion Council, and a member of the Compassionate Ballarat Steering Group. She is an Adjunct Research Fellow at Federation University Australia, and a Board Director of the public interest think tank, Australia21. 

Lynne writes on the evidence base of empathy and compassion, most recently with Prof Christine Wamsler and Mark Crosweller, she contributed a book chapter to the Routledge ‘International Handbook of Urban Resilience’.  In her research, Dr Reeder is currently involved in a randomised control trial of 500 children contributing to a global evaluation of the early childhood Think Equal program – an evaluation developed by the Centre for Emotional Intelligence at Yale University.  

As a Board Director of Australi21, Lynne is also the Founder of the Mindful Futures Network, a network of well over 700 people who are interested in applying the evidence base of mindfulness, empathy and compassion within Australian organisations.



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