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Global Read

Integral City Inquiry and Action

by Marilyn Hamilton


Integral City Inquiry and Action

This Global Read took place on Wednesday, June 15, at 8am PDT

Watch a recording of the program here

How do you inquire about, act in and impact the city as self, other and place?

This is a book of: burning questions that deepen your reflective capacity; injunctions that guide your practice as a city AQtivator; and frames for designing impact on, with and as the city.

Learn through a series of methodological cases studies and templates for process designs, based on Integral City work in the last decade. If you want to achieve impact in your work as Integral City Practitioner, Catalyst or Meshworker, these designs generate outcomes in the city, using an integrally framed approach. You can address consciousness and culture as Place Caring (the left had quadrants of the integral model) and actions and systems as Place Making (the right-hand quadrants of the integral model). Organized using the Integral City design cycle the chapters walk you through processes for inviting in the Knowing Field; embracing the Master Code; assessing the 12 Intelligences of the City; discovering and mapping City Values; designing Vital Signs Monitors; engaging the 4 Voices of the City; Prototyping designs for Learning Lhabitats, Pop-ups and Sustainable Community Development; Meshworking Purpose, People, Place and Planet; and Evaluating Outcomes. Using these process designs you may choose a linear or a non-linear path. Whether you focus on separate stages or attempt the whole tour, you will find an inquiry-action-impact system that is replicable, frequently iterative and provides a grand cycle for enacting change at the city scale.

Marilyn applies the Master Code of Care to reinvent cities as Gaia’s Regeneration Hubs, where Evolutionary Leadership is necessary for individuals and collectives to serve Gaia both as Placecarers (of consciousness and culture) and Placemakers (of actions and systems). She will read today from her Book 3, Chapter 3 on the Master Code of Care. She has kindly shared with us free access to her graphic e-book which is curated based on the Master Code of Care and also a link to her 4 Novellas. We will put these in the chat.


About the Author

Dr. Marilyn Hamilton is Founder of Integral City Meshworks and the author of the Integral City Book Series. She is the author of Tales of the CROFT Regenerators Novella series. She is co-designer of the course Cities Rising for Regenerative World & curator of Urban Hub 20, City Change in a VUCA World (English and Spanish).

Marilyn serves cities and ecoregions as Gaia’s Reflective Organs. Inspired by the Master Code of Care for Self, Others, Place and Planet, she serves Ubiquity University as co-designer of the Master of Regenerative Action degree. She is or was CEO, COO, CFO and CIO in the private & Not-for-Profit sectors. She is a researcher and a member of the Integral Europe Academic Consortium and Global Accreditation Council. She is a Findhorn Fellow & Urban Arena Europe Fellow and Ambassador for World Unity Week. She is an Evolutionary Leader.

An international keynote speaker, and faculty of Ubiquity University (and Royal Roads University School of Leadership for 20+ years, plus several other Universities) Marilyn designs, delivers and supervises “pracademic” courses. These build capacity for the wellbeing of 4 archetypal Voices of the City: Citizens, City Managers, Business/Innovators, 3rd Sector/Civil Society. She has worked and travelled internationally in many countries, cities and organizations in most sectors.

Currently Marilyn is really passionate about creating City Regeneration Hubs and Cites of Peace as initiatives of a new international consortium called Living Cities :: Earth aimed at igniting aliveness in 10,000 Cities reconnecting them to our Living Earth.

Marilyn lives in Findhorn Ecovillage Scotland (where she returned to the land of her ancestors from British Columbia, Canada in 2018).


About the Host

Sue Cooper is a Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Holistic Lifestyle Coach with over four decades of Registered Nurse experience in clinical care, management, and education. She is qualified from The Chopra Centre for Well-being as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Instructor under the founder Dr Deepak Chopra. She was privileged to complete a one-year voluntary position as Health and Well-being Ambassador to The High Sheriff of Nottingham 2015/16 where the focus was on conversations, collaborations, and connections around ‘Co-creating Integrative Care Communities’.

For the last 12 years Sue have been exploring through travel and volunteering, natural healing modalities from indigenous cultures around the world, their applications to modern day self-care and the fusion with scientific research from health care, also known as integrative care.

She is an Ambassador to Nottinghamshire Hospice, Nottingham Mindfulness Group and the Positively Empowered Kids (PEK) network and works actively to continue to inspire positive Well-being in communities.

As founder of Moments of Mass Mindfulness (MOMM) and Self Care World, Sue is developing a framework that Integrates self-care and health care through natural practices, arts, and the sciences.



Integral City Book Series

Urban Hub 20: Accelerating City Change in a VUCA World – Free

Tales of the CROFT Regenerators (4 Novellas)



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