by Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam
Date: Tuesday, April 9, at 8:00 AM PDT
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Cost: Suggested donation $10 US.
We will offer this program free to those whose resources are limited.
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The publication of Laudato Si’—a papal encyclical on a defining issue of our times—was a moment of great importance for Catholics and for the world. Now Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam, one of the church’s top experts on the document, provides a thoughtful, passionate, and highly accessible commentary on its key ideas and themes. Faithfully attentive to the outline of the six chapters of the encyclical, Fr. Joshtrom has also insightfully arranged the book according to the See-Judge-Act methodology that is increasingly used in spirituality, moral theology, and the social sciences.
If Pope Francis is right when he insists that the solution to our environmental problems cannot be found only in technocratic approaches by governments and institutions, but by a wide and thoughtful embrace by all of us of our common responsibility, then Fr. Joshtrom’s book is precisely what we need at this time.

About the Author Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam
Rev. Dr. Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam is coordinator of Ecology and Creation at the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. He is also chair of Philosophy of Science and director of the Institute of Social and Political Sciences at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. His most recent books include The Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si’ (2019), The Philosophical Roots of the Ecological Crisis (2017), and Creation in Crisis: Science, Ethics and Theology (2014).

About the Facilitator Jennifer Wilhoit
Jennifer J. Wilhoit, Ph.D. is a spiritual ecologist, creative, published author and photographer, and the founder of TEALarbor stories. She compassionately supports individuals’ projects and healing processes by drawing from nature’s wisdom. Her books, articles, and blogs focus on the “inner/outer landscape” which she has been researching and practicing for thirty years. Dr. Wilhoit offers her work to international audiences in a myriad of disciplines via retreats, trainings, and teaching. She is an active member of the global interfaith community, presenting her work at the United Nations’ World Interfaith Harmony Weeks; Charter for Compassion; the 2023, 2021, and 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions, and Grateful Living. Dr. Wilhoit also serves on her local interfaith council and its climate circle subgroup. Jennifer has spent twenty-three years at the bedsides of people who are dying, caring for them and their families as a hospice volunteer, sacred vigiler, and bereavement coach.
Visit Jennifer's LinkedIn page and her website