Marilyn Turkovich welcomed our call: this sector is currently one of the most dynamic of our sectors. We want to broaden the perspective of our Partners making change in the world. Women find ways to bring resources, talents and their practical sense of being into the work they do and leap forward to tackle problems that otherwise seem impossible. We have a natural strain in us that enables us to network.
Sande Hart: Lead of the WG Sector: The impulse for the WG sector was the biological innate imperative of women to respond to great tensions in the community/world. We begun by organizing our current Charter Partners who are women led and/or working on elevating and advancing initiatives that improve conditions for Women and Girls. “This sector is unique in that we have our own Vision and Mission Statement and our image and we are organized our WG Partners in their specific areas of work we call ‘consortiums’ so they can better network and know one another. We also have our own blog and social media outlets.” The Women and Girls sector is led by a Global Task force of women from Pakistan, India, Australia, Botswana, Ireland and the US who meet weekly. Our consortiums will be meeting monthly and be independently organized and led.
Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell: In November, Rev. Joan will be celebrating her 85 birthday and over her lifetime has seen both struggle and progress of women’s leadership. She has witnessed the trajectory of the rise of women’s work. She is mother of the first woman Mayor of Cleveland (and since then the only woman mayor). She is also the mother of men who support issues that improve conditions for women. In gratitude Rev. Joan thanked Partners for embracing this important place within the Charter understanding the magnitude for women finding the place where they can share something powerful, unique and important to the world we live in. “Women bring to this world a sense of enormous strength in the face of difficulty and challenges but also a commitment on the part of women that is life giving, perhaps of our own capacity, to bring life into being.” Rev. Joan takes great joy in seeing how we are organizing the roles of women and honored to walk this path with our Partners. She pointed out the importance of the partnership and support of men.
Rev. Joan also mentioned that Karen Armstrong has expressed her strength and joy for this important new sector and what we are about to undertake.
Zareen Qureshi, Global Task Force Member from Pakistan: Zareen spoke on the Consortiums which is how our sector is organized depending on the mandate of each Partner’s work. If working on Education for example, you will convene with other Education Partners who are led by women planning together with their respective organizations, depending on what the consensus of the consortium decides. Convening in tightly focused groups who meet monthly but communicate however they independently decide as a group.
The main agenda is to streamline our communication so that every organization has a space and their buy-in for significant advancement to their work. The calls will convene within the month and meet monthly.
Zareen pointed out that participating in more focused networks will help in achieving grants and other support.
Note: If you are looking for a leadership role in one of the Consortia, please let us know. These are growing sectors and all are encouraged to share with us any organizations you identify as missing from our list on our Partner page http://www.charterforcompassion.org/index.php/women-and-girls-partners
Transgender and Gender Identity
Apply for an application to be an WG Ambassador.
Laurette Folk: Editor of The Compassionate Anthology, aliterary anthology of compassion, a result of postpartum depression who personally received compassion that impacted her life. Her novel, The Portal to Vibrancy is about a girl who struggled for compassion within herself.
“We seek the powerful story of compassion, understanding the power of empathy when we read we are in communion with the writer. We are compelled to act.”
Laurette emphasized the importance of writing and stories and art to inspire compassion in action and urged all to contribute to the WG’s Blog (and also the Compassion Anthology) to showcase the power of compassionate action for making a difference.
Sande pointed out that storytelling was replaced with the written word where we shifted in the ages that was a result of the incoming masculine dominance and feels we are moving back into storytelling. The Charter Blog http://www.charterforcompassion.org/index.php/women-and-girls-blog. Sande stated that the nature of the Charter for Compassion’s growth is largely word of mouth due to the belief those who resonate with the ideal that compassion are the driving force for healing our world’s issues.
Help Us Stretch The Edge of Feminine Leadership by Spreading the Word
Sommer Joy Albertson from Whidbey Island: Sommer expressed her delight of being a part of spreading the voices throughout the world, especially through social media, inspiring us all to spread the word and grace of women and girls.
Sommer really believes in the future of women and girls thriving and the positive impact that will have on our Earth. Our handles are: # WomenRise and # CharterWomen.
Sommer posted the question on the Charter's Twitter page: “What women or girls inspire you to rise?” and invited others to respond. Twitter Handle: CCI Girls
Join and "like" the Women and Girls Charter Facebook page.
Open Mic Questions
Zoe: Asked for collateral for some presentations she will be making in Santa Monica. Sande said she would be delighted to send her anything to support her efforts and asked her to drop an email so Sande can get her what she needs. Sande pointed out that eventually such collateral will be found on our website page.
Laurette: Asked Zareen about grants. Marilyn responded that the Charter for Compassion
does not offer grants.
Wendy Silvers asked if it was possible to be listed in more than one consortium. She also asked about leadership of the consortiums.
Sande replied that each Partner organization should decide if they belong in one or more consortia. It’s up to them. Sande also clarified that each consortium requires a “champion” to host the calls, take the notes and take leadership within that corsortia. Anyone interested in leading, or co-leading a consortium can let Sande know.
Rev. Jennifer Marie: Asked for the names and emails for the presenters on this call. (Listed below)
Sonali -Women’s Empowerment Mentor: Specifically mentoring immigrant transnational refugee women to help them take more visible leadership roles in social political roles. Asked if this sector lends to our vision and is there a place for such space. There are a number of Partners working with immigrants and putting together humanitarian efforts who work with refugees locally and abroad.
Rochelle: Asked us to explain the colors of our image. (See overview page to WG sector on the Charter’s website.}
Sommer responded: Orange is the color of the sacral center which is the power center of all women. This orange represents us all holding up and celebrating the infinite power and creativity of all girls and women of the world. The goddess contains the color purple, which is the crown chakra that defines the connection of us all together connected to something bigger than all of us--the divine and love for all is the essence of feminine leadership. The infinity symbol represents the ebb and flow of feminine energy being held up of the rising of the women. We hope this logo inspires something deep within you.
Barbara: a member of our Charter for Compassion Volunteer Staff-
Pointed out there are two opportunities which are linked below:
Stanford University offers a comprehensive interactive course in Women's International Health and Human Rights.
The Red Cross offers training in International Humanitarian Law.
Marilyn ended our call by thanking our task force in the world and pointing out there are many stories within the cities of compassion movement to be gleaned. Marilyn Invited all to come to the Charter for Compassion page inviting new Partners to go to http://www.charterforcompassion.org/index.php/partners/partner-sector
and sign up and contribute special documents, articles, etc. and also contribute to the blog. Marilyn invited all to bring this initiative to your community and bring your community initiative to the Charter for Compassion.
All said good-bye in CCI fashion
Names of Presenters on the Call
Marilyn Turkovich: Marilyn@CharterforCompassion.org
Sande Hart: Sande@CharterforCompassion.org
Zareen Qureshi: Zareen@charterforcompassion.org.pk
Laurette Folk: compassion anthology@gmail.com
Sommer Albertson: slandjoywellness@gmail.com
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