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Grassroots Wisdom Book


Grassroots operate below the surface and are foundational for the grass blade, providing it sustenance and stability. They operate through a series of nodes and rhizomes, spreading out underground to produce the strong blades that create the lawns we walk on, grains we eat, and ecosystems on which other beings rely.

"Grassroots", then, aptly refers to the efforts of individuals working together to create and sustain positive community ecosystems.

There are fourteen chapters in the Grassroots Wisdom Book, and each chapter reflects how the Charter for Compassion works. However, not all stories come directly from compassionate community initiatives or from our members and partners. We want to capture the good news that is happening all around us. We want to break the bubble of silence about good accomplishments and sincere responses to challenges and highlight radical solutions to problems that too often escape the media.



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