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Grassroots Wisdom Book

U-Maryland Celebrates a Real Champion

Anthony Sartori being celebrated at the UMD football game for his efforts to address mental health issues on campus.

U-Maryland Celebrates a Real Champion

Anthony Sartori was honored at a University of Maryland football game for an advocacy campaign he launched as a student there. His #30DaysTooLate campaign highlighted the 30-day waiting period students faced for mental health services. It successfully pushed the school administration to increase access to services and made students more aware of mental health resources. Sartori founded and now runs the nonprofit Evolving Minds, which trains educators, students, and business teams in techniques to build community and connection at work, school, and home.

Consider how your school, place of work, or even home might be able to benefit from the services of Evolving Minds.


Source: The Weavers


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